A micro-doc is a new approach businesses and non-profits are using to promote themselves, products, and services. These short films typically run 5 minutes or less, but can play as long as 15 minutes if the content is compelling enough.
Businesses are finding micro-docs to be a more effective and engaging way to present their company/product then the traditional, intrusive advertising method.
A well-produced micro-doc has a better chance of being seen, being shared, getting exposure by the news media and can even get into film festivals. All of this allows for a significantly broader reach than can be obtained by the standard commercial. Also, Micro-Docs have a much longer life cycle and can gain more viewers over time, unlike a traditional advertisement.
In short, Micro-docs give you a more effective, more engaging, longer living and less intrusive means of reaching your customers or clients—and they are content that your customers will actually want to watch.
Not sure whether or not your business/idea could be a micro-doc? Here are a few things a Micro-Doc can do:​
Present Issues, Causes or needs your company addresses.
Provide an interesting Behind the Scenes look at the work you or your business does and/or a look into the process of building your product or how your business works.
Share a Story Driven piece about a product, employee, or customer experience that helps foster a closer relationship with the viewer and makes them more receptive to your message/product.
Provide Event Documentation with a personal approach that includes personal interviews and cinematic footage.